Project List
Projected expenses and how your donation, either in materials, skills or monetary could help us reach our goal.
Estimated Cost - Kellogg Hall Renovations:
Heating: new boiler & piping repair Labor Donated(LD) - Boiler Donated - COMPLETED 2018
Boiler Pipe repair - Completed 2023
Structural restoration - COMPLETED 2024
$ 85,000 - Restoring windows and Storm - 9 out of 54 windows COMPLETED 2024
Painting of exterior of building - COMPLETED 2020
$45,000 - Repair of Septic System
$180,000 - Electrical updates
Interior floor plan - Using original floor plan with minor changes
$35,000- Handicap Bathrooms & Plumbing
$32,000 - Refinishing floors
$5500 - Interior painting -(LD) 1/2 COMPLETED
$90,000 - Elevator/lift installation -3 stop (for one, need two)
$60,000 - Masonry work-chimneys and elevator - 1/3 COMPLETED
Disposal of waste materials - as projects are scheduled​
$15,000 Occupancy - for professional services
$2,500 - Foundation Sealing
Grand Total: $550,000
Estimated Costs - Grounds
$100,000 - Parking lot repave (in sections)
In front of the bays $25,000
Shared entry with the church $30,000
​Upper back lot $30,000
South entry $15,000
​$50,000 - Landscaping​
Tree Removal ​
Loam and seeding
Stone Wall
Yard tiering
$10,000 - Drainage and Water diversion
Grand Total: $160,000​
Estimated Cost - Garage Repairs: garages are cold storage only for the immediate future and provide income to pay the operating expenses of the corporations
New roof materials - Labor Donated (LD) - COMPLETED
​repair as needed to keep the roof viable for the rental of the bays
$5,000 - Electrical: As needed for lighting of cold storage areas
updating the lights to LED lighting from the old florescent fixtures
$6,000- Bay enclosures -
Install a wall between Bay 8 & 9​ ​​
$10,000 Concrete Apron in front of the Bay doors
Plumbing repair - no plumbing needed for cold storage
Overhead doors plus regular doors
Kept original doors and repaired, painted and balanced for continued use.
​Repair as needed for each bay​
install doors instead of Ply wood between each enclosure for security and fire protection needs​
Windows - Caulking and repair as needed
Heating and air conditioning - not doing as use is cold storage only.
$5,000 - Painting Exterior of structure - (LD) - 3/4 COMPLETED
back needs patching and painting to be completed
$5,000 - Painting Interior of structure - 2/9 COMPLETED
Total: $31,000
We thank you for your support in our endeavor to preserve Kellogg Hall.